Friday, September 24, 2010

The secrets of networking

There's that old saying in business:
It's not what you's who you know.
 And the similar saying for the entertainment industry:
It's not about talent, it's about connections.
This whole idea is frustrating. What do you mean it's not about talent? And are you trying to tell me that all of my training and schooling has gone to waste? That instead, I should have been spending my time in the classy bar of the Beverly Hills Hotel schmoozing with anyone who pulls out a script sized stack of paper from their bag?

I'm not a fan, but alas, one has got to do what one has got to do.

So, how does this networking thing work? Here are some steps:
  1. Make a list of important people who can help your career.
  2. Find out where these people work or hang out.
  3. Follow them to one of these places you have discovered in step 2.
  4. Ask them a series of obnoxious questions until they agree to take your demo reel or screenplay.
Congrats. You are a stalker.


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